## Pointers shared on the 31 Marh 2021 panel on OSPOs #### website of the event: https://openforumeurope.org/event/ospos-in-government-universities/ - Infrastructure: softwareheritage.org > Open, non profit, universal archive and knowledge base of software source code (with UNESCO) - 2018: **Open Source Working Group** in the National Committee on Open Science https://www.ouvrirlascience.fr/opportunity-note-encouraging-a-wider-usage-of-software-derived-from-research/ > Software plays a triple role as tool, result and object of study - 2019: Frank Nagle, *Government Technology Policy, Social Value, and National Competitiveness* https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3355486 > *The results show that within France, the regulation led to a 0.6% - 5.4% yearly increase in companies that use OSS, a 9% - 18% yearly increase in the number of IT-related startups, a 6.6% - 14% yearly increase in the number of individuals employed in IT related jobs, and a 5% - 16% yearly decrease in software related patents.* - 2012: **Circulaire Ayrault**, https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/circulaire/id/35837 > detailed guide with good practices for use of, and contribution to Open Source - 2010: my take on public administration https://www.dicosmo.org/MyOpinions/index.php?post/2010/11/20/108-mutualisation-et-logiciels-libres-dans-l-administration-publique > the State is not an "enterprise" like the others - 2007: **Free software thematic group** in the Systematic Competitiveness cluster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqHI8fD1Cao > 50+ Open Source R&D projects, 200+Meuros - 2007: **OW2**, first european Open Source foundation - 2003/2004: **Groundbreaking MINEFI project** > creates the Open Source market in France - 2002: creation of **ADULLACT** https://adullact.org/ > 'Free software is "for free" once it has been payed for once'